Software Magix Samplitude 10 Manual카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 2. 21:08
Steinberg Cubase 4.52
Image 2 of 2The Independence LE rompler sounds great but is rather unstable.Samplitude has been with us in one form or another for over 15 years now, and has cultivated a reputation for outstanding sonic quality. The thing is, just about every DAW now comes with pro-quality plug-ins as standard, so can this double-figured version of Magix´s flagship app still cut the mustard?Samplitude is a conventional DAW in most respects, but one thing that sets it apart from the pack is its object-based approach. Each audio object (ie, clip) can have its own effects, whether built-in or VST/DX.Even timestretching and pitch manipulation can be applied as real-time, non-destructive processes, with seven different algorithms on offer, including the new Universal HQ algorithm, which gives good results when used on complex material.Major changesAutomation has been overhauled for v10, and as before can either be track level (as with most DAWs) or object level (ie, an automation curve bound to the object).