
  • Captives Of A Concept Pdf
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 29. 16:28

    It is all-systems-go on Fixed World; I am working with top secret artists and layout experts EVEN AS WE SPEAK.Some of you may remember on Mane Hiemalis. We're using Mane Hiemalis as the test case. The bare text is below. The basic pattern is that each region of the Fixed World is divided into four sub-regions, with each sub-region being described by four tables (for random encounters, lairs, adventure locales, and settlements) and four text boxes (for how time is measured in the region; for info on PCs from the region; naming conventions and language; and potential 'starter' locations for a campaign set there).It is a bit rough around the edges (I would like to improve the random encounter tables in particular) and one text-box is TBC, as you will see.

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    It is also long - so don't complain I am stinting on content. Mane Hiemalis is rugged and ruffled - shelf after shelf of hillsrising up from the coast, each higher than the last, until they are finallymountains and on the other side of them the plateau of Mane Vernum Betweenthose hills, sliced into them by rivers of glacial meltwater, are a myriad ofdeep, high-sided valleys where mist gathers and dark cedar forests flourish inthe dim light. On the hill tops above the tree line there is only rock, frost,lichen and tundra - and the unending cry of the wind. The seas of Mane Hiemalis may not be entirely frozen but they arefrigid and cold. In the depths are Kuo-Toa, who thrive in the miserabledarkness below. They are divided into many rivalrous warring theocracies, allwith their own interpretation of their God's demands; holy war is a fact oflife on the sea bed, and when it rages half-eaten and rotting corpses of thefish-men wash up on the beach like flotsam in their hundreds. At those timesthe bounty for scavengers is immense, and vast flocks of gulls sweep the coastlike storm clouds to dissipate when the war is at an end.

    Captives Of A Concept Free Pdf Download

    On the cold bleak coast human communities eke out a living fromthe whales, walruses and seals with which they share their beach homes. Theyowe fealty to nobody and are so scattered, distant and distrustful of eachother that they could generally never have the wherewithal to group themselvesinto something more organized than a loose affiliation of tribes. They dressthemselves in skins and blubber and war occasionally with the horseshoe-crabpeople who inhabit the shallow littoral zones: petty inconsequential squabblesplayed out in repetitive brutality while the world beyond goes about itsbusiness. There are three types of such nomads.

    The first are the troll-kings,petty potentates who traipse the high ground with motley collections offollowers - subordinate trolls, human outlaws and slavers, captive ettins orother giants, vagrant duergar, and so forth. The baggage trains for theseroving marauders can straggle out for miles behind their vanguard; typicallythe troll-king is somewhere in the middle, being carried on a howdah, chariot,or other grandiloquent vehicle.

    They as frequently fight each other as they doraid more settled lands below. The second are the heath elves, ancient, proud and cruel, whoinhabit the most isolated and distant hilltops of all.


    They live in high,narrow towers gently curved like fingers, which they call waypoints; differentfamilies move between them, spending a week or month here, a week or monththere, before traveling on. In the ancient past the heath elves lived a settledexistence in their towers, but now their numbers are greatly reduced and thereare too few of them to populate all of the waypoints at a time. Hence their relentlesswanderings. The third are the bariaurs, half-goats, who herd their flocksacross the desolate, craggy landscape, picking their way over cliff faces andscree on dainty hooves, traversing places which no other travelers can reach.Their goat herds can number in their thousands, spread across dozens of miles;each individual, tough and rangy, is able to survive on its own on the grassand mosses it can pick from the thin soil of the hilltops. The bariaursthemselves live off goat milk and meat - the only permanent cultural artefactsthey create are huge geoglyphs etched into hillsides, visible when the dawn suncuts through the mist, to mark their territory and summon the power of theirgods.

    Captives Of A Concept Pdf File

    A true cyclops, Antoninus, who watches over a vast flock ofsheep ranging over three hills, known to locals as the Three Sisters. Fromthese peaks he sees all within a radius of 20 miles. He is shy, reserved, andcautious, and spends much of his time assembling, disassembling, andreassembling sculptures made from boulders. When the wind blows through hisland it whistles and hums in the rocks, causing one of the following effectsin the local environment depending on the arrangement of the sculptures: 1 - Sleep, 2 - Silence, 3 - Darkness, 4 - Fog, 5 - Fear, 6- Curse.

    Between the hills, where streams and rivers cut their way downinto valleys, are the main centers of civilized life in Mane Hiemalis. Here,where the dawn light shines through, are thick fir forests where the treesstand like ghosts in the mist and rain. Amid it all are the strongholds of thewere-raven lords - stone towers or motte-and-bailey castles, each ruled byindependent nobles marked for rule by their lycanthrophic bloodlines. They holdsway over human serfs who carry out forestry and mining in their lands underoaths of fealty in return for what protection can be offered against thedangers abroad. The were-raven familes are ancient, powerful, and refined: theyrule with what they insist is benevolence over the benighted villeins beneaththem, though what 'benevolence' means is open to broadinterpretation. In the deepest, darkest, most northerly forests where the lightbarely penetrates, and the mist lies permanently like a blanket, are otherpolities.

    Ettercap queendoms in great palaces of silk threads, where giantspiders are bred for war. Treant kings ruling over underground cities of theforest dwarfs - brown-skinned, sharp-eyed variants of their mountain brethrenwho find the dark of the forest to their liking, and construct great citadelsthere under the loamy earth. Dragons which lurk in the isolated quiet of thevalleys, pleasuring in their infinite and everlasting foggy stillness.

    Andmyconids who dwell in slow meditation deep under the ground, contemplatinggrowth and damp and rot, and plotting expansion. The dwarves themselves were driven away, their mightycivilisations ruined over the course of wars spanning eons, by the ice elves,who now hold sway at least in some of these bitter snow-capped lands.

    Theycarve their cities into glaciers, preserving the ice with powerful magics, andworship the cold itself with poetry and song. Otherwise the mountains are hometo small clans of impoverished humans, who roam with the musk-oxen from ridgeto ridge, taking what meat and other resources they can from their semi-wildcharges, and being preyed upon in their turn by the cruel peoples who liveamong the ice and rocks: grimlocks, giants, troglodytes, and winter wolves. The sky of Mane Hiemalis is drenched with the colours of dawn:red, orange and pink spilled across pale blue. But the moon can be seen in it;most peoples living in the region can keep the lunar month, and those with theknowledge to make telescopes - elves, chiefly, and some gnomes or halflings -can measure hours by the movements of the stars. This is considered a preciousgift worthy of being bought or (more likely) stolen by others; every troll kingdesires a pet elf astronomer slave to help him in his schemes. Those without itresort to cruder measures, such as the appearance of the southern wind from theocean, which comes somewhat regularly, roughly every eight hours.

    A motte-and-bailey fortress in the forest, ruled byFreiherr (Baron) Hans von Rittberg, a wereraven lord. He has a hereditaryinsanity which causes him to be believe he is made out of glass, with theresult that he rarely leaves his bed - let alone his fortress - and the largewalled village over which he rules has fallen into moral decay. Murder, theftand brigandage are common, and robbers, gamblers and killers from all aroundcongregate in its filthy alleyways and ramshackle taverns, looking foremployment.


    Hooks: A werefox has infiltrated her way into the village and is slowlyamassing loyal male slaves until she is able to challenge for rule; a man hasbeen seen in various taverns and at the market offering to sell items he claimsare stolen from heath elf palaces; a nearby tribe of centaurs has easy pickingskidnapping captives on the unprotected roads leading to and from Adenau, butthey are working for a much greater power than they. A village on a shingly spit of land on the coast,surrounded on three sides by the slate-grey waves, and constantly swept withsalty spray. Its crude, inbred people are mere seal-hunters andflotsam-pickers, and that is the limit of their ambition, but their charismaticleader, Gallus, has designs on conquest.

    He is happy for anybody with themerest crumb of skill, bravery or initiative to live in his village - providedthey pay him small tributes of money, arms or armour from time to time so thathe can build his “army”. Hooks: Kuo-toa corpses have washed up on the nearby shore in theirdroves - signifying the aftermath of a battle and possible rich pickings inloot, although this will be known all around the local area; something hascaused the local population of seals to rapidly decline and the village isfaced with severe food shortages; a girl from the village fled her dangeroushusband and drowned in the attempt, and has now returned as a revenant seekingrevenge - she is said to wander nearby areas searching for him, and he will paya reward for help. 3) Basiskele. An ice elf citadel in the mountains, carved into aglacier in the shape of a snow leopard’s eye, with the central circular hallits pupil and corridors radiating out from it. Its people are aloof even amongice elves, and rarely deign to speak to outsiders, but there is a small wing ofthe citadel, known as “the cut-off”, devoted to foreign trade.

    Captives Of A Concept Pdf Book

    There, humans,gnomes, and those of other races are permitted to live, and a small-but-flourishingentrepot has come into being. It has no ruler as such, but is generally agreedto be run by the Council of Three - consisting of a rotund, avaricious humantrader, Festus; a female grimlock exile and owner of an inn, Bet-Tun; and aduergar priest, Keshakuz-srit, who leads the inhabitants in the worship of apatron demigod of glaciers. Hooks: Some ancient disease is slowly killing the ice elf population byturning their flesh to tiny hair-like crystals, and in their desperation theymay deign to ask outsiders for help; a sage, known as Yemmick the Grey, has letit be known that he desires to know certain things about the geography andinhabitants of the region - he is a steel dragon in disguise, come to Basiskeleto satisfy his curiosity about Mane Hiemalis; grimlocks from Bet-Tun’s tribeare plotting to assassinate her and have recently made an attempt on her life -she needs protection. Oh was digging through old fixed world posts and came across the alcohol post. Some ideas for fantasying up the booze that are consistent with how booze is made. Basically yeast needs to eat short carb chains in order to make alcohol. There are a few ways to do this:1.


    Give the yeast stuff that already has short carb chains (i.e. Juice and honey).2. Break down the carb chains by malting grain (beer, whiskey, etc.).3. Mix malt with another starch so that the enzymes in the malt break down carbs in the other starch (potato vodka etc.). This allows you to make booze out of most anything with carbs in it.3.

    Break down the carb chains with aspergillis mold (koji). This lets you use unmalted grain or most anything else with carbs in it to make booze (soju, makgeolli, sake, etc.). So mold can be used to make booze so that opens the door to all kinds of fantasy stuff.

    All kinds of sour drinks (makgeolli, sour beers etc.) use bacteria which doesn't add any booze but sours things up which opens up the door to all kinds of slimes and jellies if they count as bacteria.4. Use enzymes in the mouth to break down carbs so you chew stuff up and spit it out (some kinds of chicha). So you can have grains chewed but all kinds of weird monsters and use the enzymes in their mouths to break down the carbs well enough for the yeast to make booze.

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